

Air Capital Gun Club Rimfire Match

The Air Capital Gun Club is holding a Rimfire Match on 3/31/19, 4/28/19, 5/26/19, 6/30/19, 9/29/19 and 10/27/19. The location of the range is: 7709 SE 48th St, Whitewater, KS. Match Begins: 12:30PM.
For more information you may contact the match director: Dean Schroer at mdmdsch@swbell.net.


Northwest Texas Field & Stream EIC Service Pistol & 22 RimFire Pistol EIC Match

The Northwest Texas Field & Stream Association is holding a Northwest Texas Field & Stream EIC Service Pistol & .22 Rimfire Pistol EIC Match on 09/29/19. The location of the range is: 4472 Old Friberg Road, Wichita Falls, TX. Match Begins: 8:30AM.

For more information you may contact the match director: Roger Kroes at rogerkroes@sbcglobal.net.


GSM Clinic with Garand Match

The Weeping Water Gun Club is holding a GSM Clinic with Garand Match on 04/28/19. The location of the range is: Weeping Water Gun Club in Weeping Water, NE. Match Begins: 2:00PM.
For more information you may contact the match director: Steven Gaebel at sanda@windstream.net.

Youth Hunter Education Challenge

Are you interested in hunting, shooting and sportsmanship?  Would you like to improve your skills in these areas?
If your answer is yes, and you are under 19 years of age, then you might want to check into the Youth Hunter Education Challenge(YHEC). The only requirements are that you have your hunter education certificate and be able to handle firearms safely.  You will have the chance to shoot .22 rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, and archery. We will also test your skills with a compass, wildlife identification, safety, sportsmanship and ethics.  For more information on an event near you, go to: www.kansasyhec.org



This page contains information about opportunities for new and young hunters to go afield, including field days, challenges, etc.  Events from partners like federations, foundations, etc. are also posted here.   Instructors should post items to the safehunters.com Opportunities forum.  Include complete location, date, and contact information, and we'll add them here.